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​ a reflection. 

r 12.17.png

iPhone 12 -  ss 1/62 ISO 125 f1.6

i do not want to be this way. 

the girl who gives 

every last piece of herself down

to the freckles on the bridge of her nose. down

to her last eyelash to wish on. down 

to her ribs. bruised. broken, 

from a heart that beats too fully. 

too fervently. 

too. too. too much. 

a heart she would rip out 

with her own bare hands, ring cladded

with the chipped green 

polish on nails bitten down to the beds, 

if it means you would hold her

for even a second longer

love her

just a little bit harder

see her. even at all. 


i do. not. want. 

to be this way. 

the girl who gives until she takes.

green nails.png

iPhone 12 - ss 1/20 ISO 64 f1.6

IiPhone 12 - ss 1/74 ISO 125 f1.6

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